
  • 关键词相关性 7
  • 提示词 A two-dimensional girl, with long pale blonde braids, two plastic horns on the top of her head, two curved plastic horns that glow faintly purple and blue, a round crystal ball on the top of her head, wearing a sheer white veil, pale golden eyebrows, a small nose with upturned eyes, purple buttoned eyes, a pink and tender cherry mouth, a pair of earrings on her ears, a white evening dress with a swan neck, silver-white high heels, noble and elegant
  • 反向提示词
  • 宽度 1024px
  • 高度 1024px
  • 随机种子 -1
  • 采样迭代步数 25
  • 生成批次 1
  • 每批张数 1



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